Monday 29 November 2010

Flamborough Rigg Cottage…..let it snow , let it snow, let it snow.

Great excitement here at Flamborough Rigg Cottage B&B in North Yorkshire, the snow has arrived, and even more than last year, if such a thing is possible.

I thought I would give you a short picture diary of Friday………………so you can see the girls and I have some snowy adventures.

Katie woke us all up and insisted on giving Phil and Caroline a minute by minute snow update, even though they were trying to have a well earned sleep in!

It was coming down thick and fast. Meg insisted that she should go on a recce to check conditions, insisting that she being the eldest has the most snow experience. She growled something to the effect "I am just going outside and may be some time" before heading into the blizzard. Katie and I curled up in front of a roaring fire for a snooze to show our support.

When we awoke the blizzard had stopped but still no sign of Meg. We stood watch.

Well at least until the smell of bacon butties caught our attention, after all more for us if Meg wasn’t about.

Sadly, Meg had been having a brilliant time playing in the other garden and returned just behind us………….bacon always does the trick.